鉴于常规捞油车不适应高粘度、高凝油开采的问题 ,在常规捞油车基础上将其改装成大功率电加热稠油捞油车。与常规捞油车相比 ,电加热捞油车主要有发电、加热及提升 3种功能 ,其结构主要由斯太尔底盘、井架、钢丝绳绞车、电缆绞车、变频控制柜、柴油发电机组、小吊车、电加热复合捞油工具等配套设备构成。大功率电加热捞油车作业方式为先用电加热器加热井筒内原油 ,降低原油粘度 ,再下入捞油工具进行捞油。现场 1 5口井试验表明 ,该电加热捞油车操作灵活 ,方便 ,越野性能好 ,完全达到设计要求。
The conventional trailer mounted pumping unit cannot be used for heavy oil recovery, thereby a new high-power electric heating trailer mounted pumping unit is developed. In operation, the crude oil in the well is firstly heated by the electric heater on this new pumping unit to reduce its viscosity, and then the tool for oil production is lowered. The operating principle, design features and field use of the new pumping unit are introduced.
China Petroleum Machinery