2002年4月下旬至7月底,为配合西安市南郊西北政法学院南校区的建设,西安文物保护考古所在此进行了考古发掘,共清理、发掘汉唐古墓38座,其中34号唐墓出土器物精美完整,现将该墓的发掘情况简报如下。一墓葬形制 M34的地层分为4层。第一层为耕土层,厚约0.3米,内含植物根系等,土色花杂,土质松散。
From April to July of 2002, archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology and Preservation of Antiquities of Xi'an excavated a Tang tomb (coded 34) in the southern suburbs of Xi'an. The tomb is a catacomb of a north-south orientation and a plan looking like a Chinese character ‘甲’, equipped with a long ramp, a courtyard, a passage and a chamber. The yield includes a dozen of pottery figurines and tri-color ceramics, such as the tomb guardian, heavenly king, maiden, man drawing a horse or a camel, horse, camel, jar and so on. All of these rare works of art are vividly shaped and freshly colored, with gold foils being used.
Cultural Relics