20世纪 6 0年代中国外交战略的确立和实施 ,始终与中国的对内政策由温和走向急进、由正确走向错误的时期相伴随 ,所以一直没有得到比较客观的评价。在考察实行“两个拳头打人”战略的过程中不能忽略美国的因素而完全归咎于“左”倾错误 ;这个战略使中国获得了真正独立自主的地位 ,并使美国重新审视其对华政策 ,其意义是重大而深远的。
1960s' China's diplomatic strategy,since its establishment and implementation,has never received objective evaluation comparatively,because it had been accompanied by Chinese domestic policy,which was from mildness to leftism,right to wrong in that period. Reviewing the two-fist strategy,we should not neglect factors of the USA while ascribing it completely to the pinko mistakes. After all,it is the strategy that made China gain her real independence,and the USA re-examine its policy towards China. So the significance is great and far-reaching.
Theory Journal