采用文献资料法、调查访问法对太极柔力球自身价值和社会价值进行了研究。“太极柔力球”运动具有柔和性、刚柔相济性、技巧性、活动中的多关节性、大小肌肉的配合性特点 ,这些特点对于消除大学生的身心疲劳 ,具有显著的卫生学意义 ,对培养现代创新型人才有着良好的促进作用。太极柔力球项目可以作为高校一项选修课程进行开设 ,待条件成熟后也可逐渐列为一项学校体育比赛项目。
Based on the methods of literature and investigation and analysis of its self-value and social-value,Taiji soft-ballproves to hold the features of softness,techniques,combination of softness and hardness and coordination of multiple joints and muscles. These features are hygienically helpful to release students' physical and mental fatigue,and play an insubstitutable role in the development of the coordination of nerve system and the cooperation of nerve and muscle systems. It can improve the reversal and creative thinking during the training and thus push forward the cultivating of modern creative people. Taiji soft-ball can be established as an elective course in universities and then gradually develops into a competitive event in universities.
Hubei Sports Science