采用实地考查法、文献资料法等对土家族的狩猎活动结构及在狩猎过程中积累的知识经验进行系统的整理研究 ,目的是为现代人体验“狩猎活动”提供帮助 ,使其迅速成为现代都市人休闲娱乐的重要内容 ,从而使民族地区丰富的“狩猎”资源为民族地区的经济发展和文化交流作出贡献。
A systematic study is made on Tujia people's hunting process and the knowledge and experience accumulated in the course of hunting. The purpose is to provide help for the modern people experiencing hunting activites,enable it to become one of the important activities for leisure and entertainment as soon as possible. The abundant hunting resourcesin the national region can be utilized to make contributions to economic development and cultural exchange.
Hubei Sports Science
全国教育科学"十五"规划重点课题子课题 (课题批准号 :DMA0 1 0 399)