在历史剧的创作与批评中 ,历史与艺术一直扭结在一起 ,产生了不少龃龉。“历史真实与艺术真实相统一”的命题看似解决了二者的矛盾 ,但仍遮蔽了许多实质性的问题。而且在二者的抗衡中还常常受到主流政治的干预 ,呈现意识形态的各种阐释。进入社会转型期以来 ,经济这一决定艺术发展的“最终因素”使历史剧成为一种文化消费。历史、政治、经济、艺术的相互角逐 ,导致历史剧从再现型———重写型———戏说型的艺术流变。“再现型”历史剧强调历史真实与艺术真实的统一 ,它是忠实于历史基础上的艺术创造 ;“重写型”历史剧注重历史精神与现代意识的融合 ,它是对历史作出的意识形态的现代阐释 ;“戏说型”历史剧只是凭借历史作幌子演绎现代人的梦幻 ,它是大众文化对历史的一种解构。让各类历史剧在市场经济的条件下 ,应从创作理念、叙事策略和审美走向上找准自己的位置 ,予以适当的调适 ,形成“互补共生、有序发展”
In the inditement and criticism of chronicle play, combination of history and art often brought a lot of disagreement. This combination seemed to have settled the contradiction between these two elements, but it stills veiled many essential problems and the chronicle plays were often greatly influenced by the politics of the time and were interpreted in various ways according to different ideologies. During the period of social transform, economy, the determining element has made the chronicle play cultural consumables. The competition between history, politics, economy and art made the chronicle play vary from reappearance of history, rewriting of history to joke on history.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)