从抗战胜利到冯玉祥逝世 ,是其一生多变的政治思想经过曲折的道路 ,最终转到新民主主义的中国的历史时期。在这一时期 ,他丢掉和平建国幻想 ,与蒋介石集团决裂 ,后又抛弃在美国支持下走“第三条道路”的幻想 ,响应“五一”号召 ,最后逝于走向新民主主义的中国的道路上。冯玉祥在这一期间政治思想的演变 ,是那些身处国民党统治集团内部 ,又摇摆于反动势力与进步阵营之间 ,最终认同新民主主义革命道路的人 ,在革命势力与反革命势力对决将见分晓的前夜 。
From the victory of anti-Japan war to his death, It was a period that Feng Yu-Hsiang’s changeable political thought come around to New Democratic China during this period, Feng abandoned the ideal of establishing country in a peaceful way and broke up with Kuomintang. Then he gave up the dream of building up a bourgeois republican country supported by American government. He responded actively to “May First Call” of communist party. But he died while he was taking efforts to realize the new democratic China at last. The Evolution of Feng Yu-Hsiang’s Political Thought in this period was a typical case of those who were in the ruling class but wavered between revolutionary and counter-revolutionary camps and approved the thought of new-democratic revolution in the end. It indicates that at the last moment of his life Feng is near to come up with the resolution to his dual goal of self-development and saving country.
Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)