COBP(NATO Code of Best Practice for C2 Assessment)是北大西洋公约组织近期用来指导C4ISR系统效能评估的最新理论成果,本文首先对其主要部分进行了总结,详细阐述了它的评估过程,接下来给出了外军应用COBP方法进行C4ISR系统评估的一个应用实例,最后比较了COBP方法与其他系统效能评估框架的异同,总结指出COBP方法对我军指挥自动化系统评估的借鉴意义。
COBP(NATO Code of Best Practice for C2 Assessment)is newest theory of instructing evaluation of C4ISR system by North Atlantic Treaty Organization. First, the paper summarizes main parts of COBP and describes its process, then presents application of the theory by US Army. At last the paper compares sameness and difference among COBP and other evaluation frameworks, indicates the signification of COBP for evaluation of our C4ISR system .
Information Command Control System and Simulation Technology