随着科学技术的飞速发展 ,原有的教学模式已无法满足社会对人才培养的需要。为了适应现代化建设对人才培养的要求 ,我们借助现代化的教学媒体展开化工原理的教学改革。实践证明将现代化教学手段和传统教学媒体有机结合的多媒体组合教学方式能有效提高教学效率和教学质量 ,是一种有广阔发展前景的现代教学方式。
With the fast development of science and technology,hte traditional teaching mode can no longer meet the social needs for personnel training. According to the need of the construction of modernization,we have preformed a series of reforms in the teaching of “Principles of Chemical Engineering”by the traditional can improve teaching efficiency and teaching quality, which is a promising modern teaching method.
higher education forum