目的 :改善胎儿宫内窘迫症状及减少由于胎儿窘迫所引起的新生儿疾病 ,提高产科质量 ,达到优生优育的目的。方法 :应用内给氧制剂 (晶体过氧化氢碳酸酰胺 )治疗观察诊断为胎儿宫内窘迫的孕妇 1 0 0例 ,并设常规治疗组 1 0 0例 ,观察用药后的胎心、胎动变化 ,新生儿出生时的窒息情况 ,对其做对照、比较。结论 :内给氧治疗组在胎心胎动好转时间、新生儿Apgar评分及转归方面均优于对照组 ,显示了内给氧能迅速提高孕妇体内的氧分压 ,改善胎儿宫内缺氧症状 ,具有显效、安全、副作用少。
Objective: To observe the treating effect of infant in intrauterine asphyxia using oxygen injector. Method: The 100 cases, who had been diagnosed to have intrauterine asphyxia by gravida and were given oxygen by oxygen injector, were recorded the change of the fetal heart、fetal movement、the situation of asphyxia neonatorum and neonatal improvement. The results were compared with 100 control objects. Results: The Condition of the target group is better than that of the control group; the results showed that time of fetal movement and fetal heart、neonatal Apgar score were improvement. Conclusion: The oxygen injector can quickly raise the internal partial oxygen pressure and improve the symptom of intrauterine asphyxia. It is effective, safety and fewer side effects.
Qinghai Medical Journal