由于自身发展阶段滞后和部族、宗教及地区矛盾尖锐 ,尼日利亚民主基础脆弱 ,政党政治先天不足 ,独立后未能有效承担民族国家建设的使命 ,无法应对军人发难。然而 ,由于政党政治代表着尼现代政治的发展方向 ,长期的军政权统治并未完全打断政党内在演变的脉络 ,尼日利亚当今主要政党均有各自的历史传承。进入第三共和国后 ,政党政治呈现出三党并立、一党坐大和一切围绕选举等特点 ,既是本身发展历程的结果 ,也反映出非洲国家政治发展的共性。今后 ,尼日利亚重回军政权统治的可能性小 ,政党政治会在现有框架下 ,在经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾中颠簸前行 ,并在这一过程中完成民族国家建设和政治、经济解放的使命。
Due to the stagnant stage of development and intensive ethnic, religious and regional rivalries, the base for democracy in Nigeria is fragile, and party politics is congenitally deficient and failed to carry out the task of nation-state building and to deal with the attacks from the military. All current main political parties in Nigeria have their own historic evolution. Into the Third Republic, the co-existence of the three main parties, the growing strength and insubordination of one party and all matters being centered on elections not only characterize party politics, but also reflect the common aspects of political developments in African countries. From now on, it's unlikely for the military to return to power in Nigeria, and party politics will bump along under the current framework.
West Asia and Africa