
乐府咏史诗的发展与演变——以《乐府诗集》为文本对象 被引量:2

The Development of History-Commemorating Yuefu Poetry: With The Collection of Yuefu Poems as the Object Text
摘要  汉代乐府咏史诗初步体现了以史为鉴、讽时刺世的功能,可入乐,最早采用了史叙、论述咏史体式。魏代注重历史兴亡的探索,借史言志抒情,开拓出新的功能,入乐目的是为了干预、戒鉴现实或言志,确立了史赞体咏史诗。晋代故事乐府盛行,思想内容儒化,背离讽时言志传统,音乐性质雅化,但出现了自制新歌以供娱乐的新特点。南北朝表现出创作题材女性化、趋同化特点,入乐目的是为了娱乐,开拓了咏史的娱乐功能。唐代也有女性化、趋同化特点,但原因、内蕴与南北朝不同,题材广泛,功能得到全面开拓,表现出新的特点,如注重对本朝史的反思,体现了向咏史词转化的性质等。 The history-commemorating Yuefu poetry during the Han Dynasty initially demonstrated its functions in which history was taken as a lesson and reality, satirized. It, being able to be chanted, for the first time adopted the narrative style of commemorating and assessing historical events. Then its functions were widened to include fresh features in the Wei Dynasty, that is, it laid stress upon the exploration of the rises and declines of the past dynasties on the one hand, and expressed the poet's will and displayed his feelings and emotions on the other, thus establishing the history-commemorating poetry in the Shizan style. In the Jin Dynasty, as the Yuefu poetry of the story style became intensely popular, its themes were Confucianized, deviating from the tradition of criticizing reality and expressing emotions, and its musicality was more refined, fresh-new self-made operns were constructed for entertainment. The South and North Dynasties witnessed its themes, which were similar to one another, feminized, and therefore widened the function for entertainment of the history-commemorating poetry. During the Tang Dynasty, it, too, bore the same characteristics as stated above, but due to different causes from those of the South and North Dynasties, and with a wide range of subject matters. In a word, its functions were developed in an all-round way and new features, brought about. For instance, it emphasized the rethinking of the history of the then dynasty and showed the transformation in its nature towards the history-commemorating Ci.
作者 韦春喜
机构地区 山东大学文学院
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2004年第3期70-75,共6页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 《乐府诗集》 文本对象 乐府咏史诗 抒情 创作题材 音乐功能 娱乐功能 发展历程 the history-commemorating Yuefu poetry development and transformation musical function
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