目的 了解广东省东莞市莞城地区新生儿脐血红细胞葡萄糖 6磷酸脱氢酶 (G 6 PD)缺乏的发生率。 方法 96 76例活产新生儿生后即取脐血 ,采用定量法测定红细胞G6PD/6PGD的比值。低于 1.0者为G 6 PD缺乏。 结果 测得G 6 PD缺乏的患儿 2 6 5例 ,总发生率为 2 .74 %。其中男 2 30例 ,发生率为 4 .0 7% ;女 35例 ,发生率为 0 .87%。男性发生率明显高于女性 (χ2 =90 .75 ,P <0 .0 0 1)。 结论 脐血G 6 PD活性筛查 ,能比较准确地检测出G 6 PD缺乏患儿 ,指导临床对其并发症进行早期干预 ,避免智力低下等后遗症的发生 ,提高人口素质。
Objective To explore the incidence of G-6-PD deficiency in Dongguan District,Dongguan,Guangdong province. Methods Cord blood was obtained in 9676 cases of live births. G6PD/6PGD ratio was measured. Results Two hundred and sixty-five cases were diagnosed as G-6-PD deficiency giving an incidence of 2.74%. The incidence in male (4.07%,230/5646) was significantly higher than that in female (0.875,35/4030) ( P <0.001). Conclusions Screening of G-6-PD can detect infants who suffer from G-6-PD deficiency,which can provide earlier precautions for clinicians.
Chinese Journal of Perinatal Medicine