目的 推断被枪击者在中弹瞬间所处的位置和姿势以及枪支击发时的位置。方法 采用立体几何作图法和三角函数计算法进行体内弹道射击角度计算。结果 可以准确计算枪弹弹道与人体解剖学三维断面———矢状面、冠状面、水平面产生的角度。结论 可以确定被枪击者中弹瞬间的位置及体位或枪支击发时的位置 。
Objective To conclude the condition and posture of being shot and the exact position of firing gun. Method The angles of the bullet ballistic inside body were analyzed by ways of solid geometry construction and trigonometric function numeration. Results The angles made by the bullet ballistic and each of the three-dimensional sections, i.e.sagittal plane, coronal section and horizontal plane, of anatomy were calculated exactly. Conclusion Confirmation of the position and posture of the dead or wounded while being shot, the three-dimensional angles and the gun position while firing are significantly helpful to forensic medicine examination.
Forensic Science and Technology