远程教学是构建在电信、计算机、传播科技 3者之间的应用 ,是兼有视觉与听觉的双向学习方式。目前远程教学的发展大致分成实时群播、虚拟网站、课程点播 3个系统 ,虽然已经有完整的系统出现 ,但均存在受时间限制、网络带宽不足、影片画质差、互动性不佳等缺点。这里提出交互式点播教学环境的概念 ,是利用有线电视点播视频系统以及有线电视网络控制器 ,提出一套交互式点播教学系统 ,以解决目前远程教学发展所遇到的瓶颈。
It presents a multimedia distance education system, called IEOD (Interactive Education On Demand). The IEOD system provides a distance lecture environment supported by multi-user interactive tools such as text chatting and a shared whiteboard on the user's main program. In addition, this system offers a self-study environment in which the student access lecture video and notes on students' main program. For the on-demand lecture service, multimedia data of lectures are stored on the database of the IEOD system. The system is accessible by the registered users through Cable TV Network. This network environment provides enough bandwidth and avoids some troubles via LAN, PSTN, ISDN, and internet. The IEOD system includes the lecture management program, the user ID management program, the student's program, and the teacher's program. It can provide a good environment to educate students via multimedia interactive communication and make remote users within easy distance.
China Digital Cable TV