电子技术的发展道路是数字化 ,数字系统从基于电路板的系统设计到通过设计芯片来实现系统功能。设计方法也由传统的自底向上变革为自顶向下 ,自顶向下设计方法实质上是进行行为设计 ,结构设计 ,逻辑电路设计到版图设计的过程 ,期间要进行多层次的仿真评估 ,也可进行测试仿真 。
The orientation of the electronic technology development is digitization The system function of the digital system is realized through the designing of the chips based or the designing of the circuit board designing The designing method changes from the traditional bottomtoup to toptodown Essentially, the method of toptodown is the behavior designing, the structure designing,the logical designing and the circuit board designing During the process the evaluation of simulation or simulation testing should be done for several times before the completion of the question is confirmed
Modern Electronics Technique