目前单片机的应用日益广泛 ,其应用范围包括工业自动化、仪器仪表、家用电器、信息和通信产品及军事装备等。为了提高自己产品的竞争力 ,世界上各大单片机生产厂家纷纷改进各自产品的性能 ,这其中 ,产品的在线升级能力成了各单片机生产厂家努力实现及改进的技术重点 。
At present,MCS is more and more extensive applying,including industrial automation, instruments, family electrical equipment, communication production, military equipment and so on In order to improve the competitions of the products, every factories of MCS improves the capability of products in the world During the course, the in__line improving ability becomes the technology key that all MCS factories make great efforts to achieve and improve This article compares the several common MCS on the in__line improving ability
Modern Electronics Technique