目前,常用的500 kV开关设备主要分为3种,常规敞开式开关设备(简称AIS)、复合式气体绝缘开关设备(简称HGIS)以及气体绝缘金属封闭式开关设备(简称GIS)。该文探讨了在工程实际中,如何选择适宜的开关设备种类的问题。介绍了这3种开关设备的特点,并给出了各种开关设备对应的总平面布置方案,对开关设备的技术经济性也做了比较。结合500 kV江门站改造的工程实例,提出了每一种开关设备的适用范围,为工程应用提供参考。
At present,there are three kinds of common 500 kV switchgears,namely air insulated switchgear(AIS), hybrid gas insulated switchgear(HGIS)and gas insulated swit-chgear (GIS ). This paper focuses on how to choose the most appropriate type of switchgear. The characteristics and the corresponding scheme of general layout of each kind of the switchgears are elaborated,and techno-economical compari-sons are made. Based on the actual case of the 500 kV Jiangmen Substation Innovation project,the paper recommends the app-lication scope of each kind of switchgear with useful reference for engineering applications.
Power System and Clean Energy