
微生物燃料电池及其在废水/废弃物处理中的应用 被引量:2

摘要 微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cells,MFC)作为一项解决环境污染同时开发可再生能源的新技术,近年来受到国内外研究者广泛关注。基于MFC工作原理,全面归纳了其典型的高效产电菌,并从阳极氧化、阴极还原两方面重点探讨了其在处理废水/废弃物的应用实例及发展潜力,最后从3个方面对MFC在环境领域的应用前景作了展望。 Microbial fuel cells( MFCs),as a novel technology can convert chemical energy to electrical energy through catalytic reaction of microorganisms and simultaneously solve the problem of environmental pollution,which have been paid much attention on in recent years. Based on the principle of MFC,the representative electricigens founded in the MFCs currently were reviewed,and the application of MFCs in wastewater / waste treatment were also discussed detailedly from the aspects of anodic oxidation and cathodic reduction. Finally,the development potentials of the MFC application in the environmental protection field were concluded in three aspects.
出处 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期1-5,59,共6页 Environmental Engineering
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAJ25B07) 国家自然科学基金(51078327/51008269)
关键词 微生物燃料电池 产电微生物 产电性能 阳极氧化 阴极还原 microbial fuel cells electricigens electrical capacity anodic oxidation cathodic reduction
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