针对岩溶地区刚性桩复合地基承载力与沉降关系的复杂性,对4类典型地质条件下的44个复合地基现场压板试验数据样本进行数理统计分析,在此基础上提出基于Winkler地基模型的修正二折线和四折线弹簧本构模型。为了得到偏于安全的用于工程设计的复合地基弹簧本构模型,采用共同作用分析方法对一栋典型的高层建筑结构进行多折线参数敏感性分析。分析结果表明:二折线弹簧本构模型比四折线弹簧本构模型得到的筏板内力大,在工程设计中,可采用二折线本构模型;对于二折线弹簧本构模型,承载力特征值对应的沉降越小,筏板的内力越大,综合考虑筏板设计的安全性和经济性,在实际工程中,建议承载力特征值点对应的沉降取10 mm,承载力极限点对应的沉降取40 mm。
Forty-four plate loading tests of composite foundation were carried out under four kinds of typical geological conditions according to the complex relationship between bearing capacity and settlement of rigid pile composite foundation in karst region. The revised bilinear and quadrilinear spring constitutive models,based on Winkler foundation model,were obtained by means of mathematical statistics of the test data. Interactive analysis method was used in the multi-line parameter sensitivity analysis of a typical tall building structure in order to get the spring constitutive model of composite foundation,which is safe enough for the engineering applications. The results show that the internal force of raft is larger in the bilinear spring constitutive model than in the quadrilinear spring constitutive model. So the bilinear spring constitutive model can be applied in engineering design. With regard to the bilinear spring constitutive,as the initial settlement corresponding to the bearing capacity characteristic value is smaller,the internal force in the raft is greater. Therefore initial settlement of 10 mm and finial settlement of 40 mm are recommended in the practical engineering by considering the safety and economy of the raft design.
Journal of Building Structures