目的:探讨瑞氏综合征(Reye syndrome)的临床病理特征。方法:对2例瑞氏综合征患儿进行临床资料分析、尸体解剖、病理形态学观察,并结合文献进行讨论。结果:2例瑞氏综合征患儿均为男性,分别为11个月和11岁,发病前均有感冒发热史,例1另有"乙脑"疫苗接种史。解剖所见:肝脏无明显肿大。镜检:例1肝细胞变性,呈空泡样变;例2肝细胞浊肿,广泛脂肪变性。例2电镜显示肝细胞脂肪变性。结论:瑞氏综合征多发生于婴幼儿,病死率较高,其组织学特点为肝细胞广泛脂肪变性与肝细胞线粒体肿胀变形。
Objective:To study the clinicopathologic features of Reye syndrome. Methods :Two cases of Reye syndrome were studied using the analysis of clinical material, autopsy and histological examination, with a review of the related literature. Results :Two male patient aged 11 months and 11 respectively. Two children both suffered from a cold before onset. The child had been JE vaccinated before onset in case 1. Anatomical findings :The livers were not increase clearly. Microscopically :Case 1,Liver cells show vacuoles degeneration. Case 2, Liver cells show cloudy swelling and fatty degeneration widely. The liver cells show fatty degeneration by electron-microscopy in case 2. Conclusions :Reye syndrome usually occurring in infant and has a poor prognosis. Fatty degeneration, the mitochondria,s swelling and deformation of liver cells are characteristic for diagnosis.
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