930466 The association of Graves’disease withserum soluble interleukin 2 receptor.RENYuezhong(任跃忠),SONG Zuogui(宋作珪).2ndAffili Hosp,Zhejiang Med Univ,Hangzhou,310009.Natl Med J China 1993;73(5):264—265.The serum soluble interleukin 2 receptor(slL2R)was measured in 38 first visited patientswith Graves’disease and 29 normal controls.The serum sIL2R in 17 patients with Graves’dis-ease was determined after treatment with an-tithyroid drugs(propylthiouracil)for a short pe-riod(1.2±0.5 months).The serum sIL2R
Surgical Research and New Technique