
可配置新体制导航信号生成方法及性能分析 被引量:1

Configurable Modernized Navigation Signal Generation Method and Performance Analysis
摘要 对于需要模拟多元二进制偏置载波和交替二元偏置载波等新体制信号的多系统导航信号模拟源,传统的二进制移相键控或四相相移键控二值电平信号生成方法难以适应其复杂的信号结构。在对目前公开的主要新体制信号的信号结构进行分析后,提出了一种可配置的新体制导航信号生成方法。并以生成基带信号的幅度控制精度、时延模拟精度和存储资源消耗为约束条件,进一步对其中可配置基带数据查找表的幅度量化字长选取方法,以及相位截断误差进行了分析。最后通过仿真分析,验证了所设计信号生成方法的正确性。 Traditional bipolar binary phase shift key(BPSK)or quaternary phase shift key(QPSK)signal generation method can not meet the requirement of generating complicated modernized signals for the navigation signal simulator which needs to generate modernized signals,such as multiplexed binary offset carrier(MBOC)and alternate binary offset carrier(AltBOC).A configurable signal generation method for generating modernized navigation signal is proposed after analyzing the signal structure of current public modernized signal.Considering baseband signal amplitude control accuracy,signal delay con- trol accuracy and storage resources consumption,baseband data amplitude quantization word-length selection method of the configurable look-up table(LUT)and the phase truncation error are analyzed.At last,the correctness of the designed signal generating method is verified by simulation.
出处 《导航定位学报》 2013年第4期36-41,共6页 Journal of Navigation and Positioning
关键词 新体制导航信号 查找表 基带信号生成 幅度量化字长 相位截断误差 modernized navigation signal LUT baseband signal generation amplitude quantization word-length phase truncation error
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