作为实现X射线激光小型化的方案之一,毛细管放电泵浦机制具有能量转换效率高,增益长度大等优点。现阶段采用基于电子碰撞机制的毛细管放电方案还未能实现比类氖氩46.9 nm更短的软X射线激光输出。本文理论上采用Cowan程序计算了和类钯氙41.8nm激光跃迁相关能级的原子参数。在此基础上,建立了电子碰撞激发速率方程,计算了增益随着电子温度和电子密度的变化情况。计算结果表明,实现类钯氙41.8nm激光的最佳电子密度约为1017~1018cm-3、最佳电子温度约为75~100eV。
As a solution to achieve the miniaturization of an X-ray laser, capillary discharge pump mechanism has the advantages of high energy conversion efficiency ,large gain length and so on .At present capillary discharge mechanism based on electron collision mechanism has not achieved soft X-ray laser output shorter than the Ne-like Ar 46.9 nm. This paper theoretically calculated atomic parameters related to Pd-like Xe 41.8nm laser transition energy level using the Cowan program ,established the electron collision excitation rate equation to calculate the gain changed with the electron temperature and electron density on this basis. The results show that the best electron density is about 1017 ~ 1018cm-3, the best electron temperature is about 75 ~ 100eV to achieve the Pd-Xe 41.8nm laser output.
The Journal of New Industrialization