3[3]Nigel Taylor. Urban Planning Theory Since 1945. SAGE Publication.1998 被引量:1
4[5]Sherry Arnstein. A Ladder of Citizen Participation. 1969. Richard T.LeGates & Frederic Stout(Ed.), The City Reader(second edition), Routledge Press, 2000. 240~241 被引量:1
5[6]David Harvey. Social Justice, Postmodernism, and the City. 1992. Richard T.LeGates & Frederic Stout(Ed.), The City Reader(second edition), Routledge Press, 2000. 199~200 被引量:1
6[7]Peter Hall. The City of Theory. 1996. Richard T.LeGates & Frederic Stout(Ed.), The City Reader(second edition), Routledge Press, 2000. 362 被引量:1
7[8]Melville C.Branch. Comprehensive City Planning. Planners Press, 1985, 89 被引量:1
8Baugesetzbuch (BauGB) Vom 27,1997 ( BGB1. I S. 2141 ), zuletzt ge? ndert am 24,2004 被引量:1
9Federal Ministry for Regional Planning, Building and Urban Development. Translated by Prof. Dr. jur. Carl - Heinz David ( Ed. ) and Dr. Graham, Law and Practice of Urban Development in the Federal Republic of Germany, Littmanndruck, Oldenburg, 1993 被引量:1
10Center for Infrastructure Planning, University of Stuttgart. URBAN PLANNING Lecture Notes, 2003 被引量:1