In infertility Clinics of Tianjin Central Hospital for Obstetricsand Gynecology, 32 patients with high levely of basal body tempe-rature in follicular phase of menstrual cycles, as a sign ofasymtomatic, and subclinical infections, without abnormal findingsin endometrial biopsies, endocrinologic diseases, hysterosalpingogiams,trachomoniasis, vaginal candidiasis, N. gonorrhoeae infectionsmedical and surgical diseases, semen analysis of husbands, postcoital tests etc, were examined with chlamydial trachomatisinfections by immunofluorescence method. Chlamylial Trachomatiswere found in 11 cases (34.3%), nine cases with the therapy oftetracycline or clindamycin weve cured and 3 cases conceived.The methods of diagnosis of C Trachomatis and therapies werediscussed, the author emphysized that it is important to detectChlamydial Trachomatis in infertile couples.
Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology