With k_8/k_(16), the ratio of the hydrolytic rate-constants of p-nitrophenyl octanoate (C8) to hexadecanoate (C16), as the indicator of the degree of aggregation, the linear dependence of the deg- ree of aggregation on solvent aggregating power (SAgP) has been established in five aquiorgano sol- vents, each within a certain range of volume fraction ( values) of the organic cosolvent. The mea- ning of this linearity has been discussed.
With k_8/k_(16), the ratio of the hydrolytic rate-constants of p-nitrophenyl octanoate (C8) to hexadecanoate (C16), as the indicator of the degree of aggregation, the linear dependence of the deg- ree of aggregation on solvent aggregating power (SAgP) has been established in five aquiorgano sol- vents, each within a certain range of volume fraction ( values) of the organic cosolvent. The mea- ning of this linearity has been discussed.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.