The pulsed magnetic field induced martensitic transformation with isothermal and athermal kinetics in Fe-2Ni-4Mn(wt-%)alloy has been studied by means of magnetization measurements,optical microscopy and thermodymical analyses.It is shown that there exits a critical magnetic intensity for induing martensitic transformation at a given temperature above Ms.The critical magnetic field increases linearly with increasing ΔT= T-M_S.The magnetic field strongly promotes the athermal martensitic transforamtion and restrains the isothermal one.The entropy change ΔS for athermal transformation at Ms is 4.13 J/mol· K.The effect of magnetic field on martensitic transformation in Fe-21Ni-4Mn alloy is main- ly due to Zeeman effect.Lath,plate and butterfly martensities were observed under magnetic field.
The pulsed magnetic field induced martensitic transformation with isothermal and athermal kinetics in Fe-2Ni-4Mn(wt-%)alloy has been studied by means of magnetization measurements,optical microscopy and thermodymical analyses.It is shown that there exits a critical magnetic intensity for induing martensitic transformation at a given temperature above Ms.The critical magnetic field increases linearly with increasing ΔT= T-M_S.The magnetic field strongly promotes the athermal martensitic transforamtion and restrains the isothermal one.The entropy change ΔS for athermal transformation at Ms is 4.13 J/mol· K.The effect of magnetic field on martensitic transformation in Fe-21Ni-4Mn alloy is main- ly due to Zeeman effect.Lath,plate and butterfly martensities were observed under magnetic field.
SUN Enxi Dalian Railway College,Dalian,ChinaYANG Dazhi Dalian University of Technology,Dalian,ChinaXU Zuyao (T.Y.Hsu) Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai,ChinaYANG Fuming ZHAO Ruwen Institute of Physics,Academia Sinica,Beijing,China YANG Dazhi,Professor,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China