The dynamics of the center-of-mass of entangled polymer is assumed to be of 1-dimen-sional Brownian motion in a constrained tube. When the length fluctuation of the constrain-ed tube is neglected, the asymptotic relation between the relaxation time for disentangle-ment τ and the chain length N is obtained, i.e. τ~N^3. Under conditions of the finite chainlength and the length fluctuation of an effective constrained tube, the dependence relation τ~N^(3.40±0.16) is obtained by computer simulation. This conclusion elucidates reasonably the knownexperimental results about the dynamics of real entangled polymers.
The dynamics of the center-of-mass of entangled polymer is assumed to be of 1-dimen-sional Brownian motion in a constrained tube. When the length fluctuation of the constrain-ed tube is neglected, the asymptotic relation between the relaxation time for disentangle-ment τ and the chain length N is obtained, i.e. τ~N<sup>3</sup>. Under conditions of the finite chainlength and the length fluctuation of an effective constrained tube, the dependence relation τ~N<sup>3.40±0.16</sup> is obtained by computer simulation. This conclusion elucidates reasonably the knownexperimental results about the dynamics of real entangled polymers.