14 cases with hypomagnesemia and hypcalcemia in newborn were anal- yzed, of Which 8 cases were <3 days old, 3 cases^15days old, and 3 cases^28 days old. Among these cases, 11 were fed with cow's milk, 1 with mother's milk, 2 with mixed milk.12 of them had primary diseases. The chief clincal manifestation of all these patients was convulsions in different degrees. Serum magnesium of those patients were>0.6 mmol/L and serum calcium<1.75mmol/L.The magnesium and calcium were adminis tered while treating the primary diseases. 2cases died of primary diseases and 12 wese cured. The etiology, clinical manifestation, prevention and treatment of this disease were discussed.
Chinese Journal of Neonatology