16只正常家兔随机分成A、B两组,行肝动脉插管,在10分钟内,分别灌注50℃化疗溶液(含丝裂霉素C 1mg)60ml(A)和40ml(B),观察了灌注过程中肝脏温度变化,48小时和10天后的SGPT水平及组织学改变。结果显示在灌注过程中A、B两组家兔肝脏温度分别升高0.46±0.22℃及0.35±0.05℃;SGPT在48小时升高到2倍正常水平,10天后恢复到正常水平。组织学改变主要为轻微且可逆的肝细胞肿胀及中央静脉扩张。提示正常兔肝可耐受50℃高热化疗液肝动脉灌注。
Sixteen rabbits were randomly divided into group A and B. In 10 minutes, they were infused 50℃ polysaccharide solution with mitomycine C lmg by transcatheter hepatic arterial infusion, group A with 60ml and B 40ml. The changes of hepatic temperature in infusing and SGPT were observed. The temperature of liver was elevated 0.46±0.22℃ in group A and 0.33±0.05℃ in group B. SGPT of two groups was similarly elevated as about two times as normal at 48 hours later. Ten days later, it was recovered in normal level. The histopathological changes of liver were very light and could recover to normal, such as swelling of liver cell and expanding of central veins. These results suggested that normal liver of rabbit could endure hepatic arterial infusion of hyperthermia-chemotherapy solution. (Fig1~4 see inset P 24)
Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology
Hyperthermia-chemotherapy Arterial infusion Animal experiment