由口腔癌颈清扫术标本中的引流区淋巴结制备肿瘤杀伤细胞(DNL),经基因重组白细胞介素2(rlL-2)激活后与平阳霉素(PYM)联合应用,观察对裸鼠移植瘤的抑制作用。实验证明:当效靶比在5:l,rIL-2 5×10~5U·kg/d与PYM5mg·kg/d合用时,具有较明显的增强抑瘤作用。经Burgi修正公式作疗效判别,Q值为1.46(大于1.15),提示DNL细胞/rIL-2+PYM合用有协同作用。本文还就免疫化疗进行了讨论。
We have tried to find out if the combination of DNL/rIL-2 and antitumor drug is able to induce a synergistic increase in the antitumor therapeutic effect. DNL were obtained from the patients who suffered from primary tongue cancer were been performed operation of radical neck dissection. When the ratio of the effectors to the targets was 5 : 1 with local administration, rIL-2 5×105· Kg/d and PYM 5mg · Kg/d ip administration, the inhibitory rate of tumor growth was 86 %. The results showed a significant rate increase when compared with the therpeutic effect obtained by DNL/rIL-2, or PYM alone (p< 0. 05). In addition, we used Burgi formula to evaluated the antitumor effect of DNL/ rIL-2 combined with PYM. The q value was 1. 46. These results suggest that im-munotherapy and chemotherapy perhaps function synergistically.
Shanghai Journal of Stomatology