There is a great difference in starting conditions among Hainan Island, the special economic zones and the economic and technological development zones in China, and 'the Four Small Dragons' of Asia. Hainan’s major superiority is superiority of the special economic zone. The superiority includes two main parts of natural resources and geographical location. In order to give play to the superiority it is necessary to develop the export-oriented economy. As for giving full play to the location superiority, it must be solved that the problems on the investment, the talent and the development models. It is very important to rely on the superiority of natural resources to develop the products which is necessary for our country and can replace the imports. The rational adjustment on the economic departments in Hainan Province comprises two aspects. The departments of exploiting natural resources must enlarge the processing depth of agricultural products and industrial raw materials, and increase the
There is a great difference in starting conditions among Hainan Island, the special economic zones and the economic and technological development zones in China, and 'the Four Small Dragons' of Asia. Hainan's major superiority is superiority of the special economic zone. The superiority includes two main parts of natural resources and geographical location. In order to give play to the superiority it is necessary to develop the export-oriented economy. As for giving full play to the location superiority, it must be solved that the problems on the investment, the talent and the development models. It is very important to rely on the superiority of natural resources to develop the products which is necessary for our country and can replace the imports. The rational adjustment on the economic departments in Hainan Province comprises two aspects. The departments of exploiting natural resources must enlarge the processing depth of agricultural products and industrial raw materials, and increase the additional value of the products. The departments of the export-oriented economy must earn more foreign exchange through exports to accelerate the economic development. With regard to the spatial developing strategy of Hainan Province, we think it best to adopt the models of the axis exploitation around the island and the growth poles.