This paper deals with the equation: partial derivative(tau)beta(u) + del [u --> beta(u) - del u] = f in D' (Q(T)) where Q(T) = OMEGA X (0, T], OMEGA is a bounded domain with piecewise smooth boundary, beta is maximal monotone graph, u-->:Q(T) --> R(n). There are weak solutions to the evloutionary and seady-state problems associated with this equation, provided the boundary conditions on u are chosen appropriately. We also prove the uniqueness of both problems.
This paper deals with the equation: partial derivative(tau)beta(u) + del [u --> beta(u) - del u] = f in D' (Q(T)) where Q(T) = OMEGA X (0, T], OMEGA is a bounded domain with piecewise smooth boundary, beta is maximal monotone graph, u-->:Q(T) --> R(n). There are weak solutions to the evloutionary and seady-state problems associated with this equation, provided the boundary conditions on u are chosen appropriately. We also prove the uniqueness of both problems.