Continuing the works of Mark. A. Sminth, this paper introduces the other two new notions of locally uniformly rotundity, that are locally uniformly rotund in every directions (LURED) and locally uniformly rotund in weakly compact sets of idrections (LURWC). As main resuly, this paper gives three examples, namely, a Banach space which is LURED but neither URED nor LURWC, a Banach space which is LURWC but not URWC, and a Banach space which is LURWC but not LURW C in a conjugate space. These examples show that the new notions LURED and LURWC are distinct from the other uniformly rotundity and locally uniformly rotundity that we have known before. Specifically, this paper shows that the well known strictly fotundity (SR) actually is one of the locally uniformly rotundities, namely, LURED given in this paper. It makes the SR find a property position in rotundity classfication in Banach spaces.
Journal of Kunming University
locally uniformly rotund in everey direction (LURED), locally uniformly rotund in weakly compact of direction (LURWC),geometry property of Banach spaces