This paper relates to the deep research on the Splinc Model Method of KED analysis. With the use of cubic B-splinc function as a link’s transverse deflection interpolation function, the principle of virtual displacement is presented as a basic theory for the general formulation of the equations of motion, and thus abandoned the kinematic assumption and the instantaneous structure assumption which arc used in the Spline Model Method. In thc same time, the nonlinear terms sue as coupling terms between thc rigid body motion and elastic deformation arc included. New member’s spline models are established. Mass matrix, Coriolis mass matrix, normal and tangential mass matrix, linear stiffness matrix, nonlinear stiffness matrix and rotation matrix arc derived. The kinematic differential equations of a member and system are deduced in the end. The Newmark direct integration method is used as the solution scheme of the kinematic differential equations to get the periodic response.
This paper relates to the deep research on the Spline Model Method of KED analysis. With the use of cubic B-spline function as a link's transverse deflection interpolation function, the principle of virtual displacement is presented as a basic theory for the general formulation of the equations of motion, and thus abandoned the kinematic assumption and the instantaneous structure assumption which are used in the Spline Model Method. In the same time, the nonlinear terms such as coupling terms between the rigid body motion and elastic deformation arc included. New member's spline models are established. Mass matrix, Coriolis mass matrix, normal and tangential mass matrix, linear stiffness matrix, nonlinear stiffness matrix and rotation matrix are derived. The kinematic differential equations of a member and system are deduced in the end. The Ncwmark direct integration method is used as the solution scheme of the kinematic differential equations to get the periodic response.