According to the source velocity spectra model of the ω2 and constant stress parameters by K. Aki (1980), the bandwidth effect of the ground motion velocity spectra attenuation was studied. We have derived a newly method using the velocity spectra to measure directly the seismic moment M0. Based on the some new digital data of the three microearthquake sequences occurring at Er' yuan, Maidi and Songgui area respectively, which were obtained by near-field observatiob in Westren Yunnan Earthquake Prediction Study Area (WYEPSA), on OCtober 1991, China and Japan cooperate with each other, here we took Q=300 and △σ=1. 0MPa as the reference value, through different parameters Q and △σ values calculated, compared with the between velocity spectral theoretiCal curves and observation low frequency spectral value (1. 0Hz) of P and S waves at observation point. Using this method, the seismic moment M0 and source parameters of the above three earthquake sequences have been measured. Result of the study shows the M0 is 10(10)-10(13) (N·m),the source rupture radius a=70-200 (m), for ML=1. 0-2. 5, and the ratio f(op)/f(os)=1. 58. We found from the results of M0using P and S wayes to measure are less difference, which those results are in accord with that of the another methods for the same magnitude range, this is a simple and convenient method, then the seismic moment M0 can be quickly detemine directly from the function tables of the velocity spectra if we were knew the epicentral distance and observation low frequency spectral (f=1. 0Hz) values.
Plateau Earthquake Research
Peak velocity spectra
Seismic moment determination
Microearthquake sequence Parameters
Western Yunnan area