In this paper, the regional characteristics of seismicity of strong earthquakes in 27 seismic provinces in the wholeChina were discussed. It is divided into b kinds of regions on the basis of analyzing the earthquake's annual average rate of M≥6, b-value and the maximum magnitude in history in those provinces. Among them, the seismicactivity in the eastern part of Taiwan seismic province is the highest, where the annual average rate of earthquake occurrence vM≥6 is more than 1. The second kind region includes Pamir, south and north Tianshan, Yunnan-Sichuan, west Kunlun, Himalaya and western part of Taiwan etc. 9 seismic provinces, vM≥6 are 0. 12 -0. 34. The third kind of regions contains 10 seismic provinces, such as 4 provinces in North China, northeastborder of Qingzang (Qinghai-Xizang) plateau, Gobi-Altay and the outside southeast coast province etc., wherevM≥6=0. 032-0. 08, the maximum earthquakes of Mmax≥8 were recorded in the history in most seismicprovinces of the region, only a few seismic provinces recorded Mmax=7.3-7. 5. The fourth kind of regions include 6 seismic provinces, such as the northeast China, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and South China etc., where, vM≥6=0. 01-0. 03, the largest earthquake recorded in the history is Mmax<7. Thefifth kind of regions is the one with the lowest seismic activities, Mmax=53/4 be recorded as the maximum magnitude there. The regional characteristics of the strong earthquake activity have close relationship with tectonicmovement of the surrounding plate and of the introplate block.
In this paper, the regional characteristics of seismicity of strong earthquakes in 27 seismic provinces in the wholeChina were discussed. It is divided into b kinds of regions on the basis of analyzing the earthquake's annual average rate of M≥6, b-value and the maximum magnitude in history in those provinces. Among them, the seismicactivity in the eastern part of Taiwan seismic province is the highest, where the annual average rate of earthquake occurrence vM≥6 is more than 1. The second kind region includes Pamir, south and north Tianshan, Yunnan-Sichuan, west Kunlun, Himalaya and western part of Taiwan etc. 9 seismic provinces, vM≥6 are 0. 12 -0. 34. The third kind of regions contains 10 seismic provinces, such as 4 provinces in North China, northeastborder of Qingzang (Qinghai-Xizang) plateau, Gobi-Altay and the outside southeast coast province etc., wherevM≥6=0. 032-0. 08, the maximum earthquakes of Mmax≥8 were recorded in the history in most seismicprovinces of the region, only a few seismic provinces recorded Mmax=7.3-7. 5. The fourth kind of regions include 6 seismic provinces, such as the northeast China, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and South China etc., where, vM≥6=0. 01-0. 03, the largest earthquake recorded in the history is Mmax<7. Thefifth kind of regions is the one with the lowest seismic activities, Mmax=53/4 be recorded as the maximum magnitude there. The regional characteristics of the strong earthquake activity have close relationship with tectonicmovement of the surrounding plate and of the introplate block.