Blood flow in the lower leg was determined in 50 cases of non-insulin dependent diabetesmellitus using an XLJ-2 bipolar rheoencephalometry impedance rheogram. In patients with leg pain (85legsi and diabetic foat (15 legs3, the blood flow of the lower leg was decreased as compared withhealthy legs (P<0. 01 ̄0. 001) . The group with diabetic foot showed a bigger decrease compared withthe leg pain group (PMO. 051 . Atter treatment with the principle of vitalizing blood and solubilizing throm-bus, 22 cases with leg pain (32 legs) showed a significant increase of blood flow in the lower leg (P<0. 001). The group with diabetic foot failed to show any significant increase, indicating the importance ofearly treatment. This method of determining blood flow in the lower leg will help early discovery of abnor-mal changes of blood supply in the lower leg. Treatment with the principle of vitalizing blood and solubiliz-ing thrombus can help improve the conditions of the patients.
Blood flow in the lower leg was determined in 50 cases of non-insulin dependent diabetesmellitus using an XLJ-2 bipolar rheoencephalometry impedance rheogram. In patients with leg pain (85legsi and diabetic foat (15 legs3, the blood flow of the lower leg was decreased as compared withhealthy legs (P<0. 01 ̄0. 001) . The group with diabetic foot showed a bigger decrease compared withthe leg pain group (PMO. 051 . Atter treatment with the principle of vitalizing blood and solubilizing throm-bus, 22 cases with leg pain (32 legs) showed a significant increase of blood flow in the lower leg (P<0. 001). The group with diabetic foot failed to show any significant increase, indicating the importance ofearly treatment. This method of determining blood flow in the lower leg will help early discovery of abnor-mal changes of blood supply in the lower leg. Treatment with the principle of vitalizing blood and solubiliz-ing thrombus can help improve the conditions of the patients.