Abstract: Aim: TO evaluate the usefulness of surface ECG on the localization of accessory pathwaic(APs) in posteroseptal site. Method: We reviewed the characteristics of surface ECG of 16 pts with overt APs in posteroseptal location confirmed by radiofrapency ablation (RFA). The age ranged from 14 - 54(41 + /- 13) yrs and no evidence of organic heart diseases had been detected. Results: The posteroseptal APs was characterized by positive delta wave in inferior leads (Ⅱ, Ⅲ, avF) and positive in lead Ⅰ, avL and V2-6. Most Of the delta wave in leads V1 were positive in letf posteroseptal APs (7/8),while mest of which were negative in right ones(6/8 ).Most of the QRS morphologies in lead V1 were negative predominantly in tight posteroseptal APs (7/8 ), while they were varied in left ones. Conclusion: The surface ECG was useful in distinguishing the APs in letf posteroseptal location from those in right.
South China Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases