Hemorrheology and blood lipids were examined in 86 patients with diabetes mellitus,and 31 normal subiects as control. The results showed that 4 indexes of hemorrheology increased signilicantly in the group with diabetic retinopathy (DR group, 45 cascs) as compared to the group without diabetic retinopath (WDR group, 41 cases) (P<0.02 ~0.001).CHOL and TRIG were also increased in the former group. 8 indexes of hemorrhelogy were obviously increased in the DR group as compared to the control group. (P<0.01 ~0.001). CHOL and TRIG were increased as well (P<0.01). The article suggested that the patients with diabetic retinopathy might have hyperviscosity and hyperlipids. The author also discussed how they had some effect on the DR patients and the correponding treatment.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College