The disadvantages of Normally White Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Display (NW-TN-LCD) were discussed. The reason that the negative birefringent polyimide thin films were used to compensate NW-TN-LCD to decrease off-axis leakage, improve contrast ratios and enlarge viewing angles was explained in this paper. A certain polyimide thin film was taken as an example to show compensation effect on NW-TN-LCD.
The disadvantages of Normally White Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Display (NW-TN-LCD) were discussed. The reason that the negative birefringent polyimide thin films were used to compensate NW-TN-LCD to decrease off-axis leakage, improve contrast ratios and enlarge viewing angles was explained in this paper. A certain polyimide thin film was taken as an example to show compensation effect on NW-TN-LCD.
Supported by’94 Outstanding Young Scientist Foundation of NSFC