The infiuence of cerium on grnin boundaries of polycrpstalline N3Al alloys has beenstudied. The ja6mcability of a Ce-doped N3Al alloy strongly depends on the certumcontent. The alloy exhibits very poor fabrica6ility and cannot be fabrtcated into goodsheet8 by cold rolling when the concentmtion of cerium is <0. 0088wt% or>0.044wt%.A 0.011wt%Ce-doped N3Al alloy exhibits relatively good fabricability and may be fab-ricated into useful sheets by repeated cold rolling with 1OOa C annealing. The ductilityof the alloy strongly depends on the cerium distribution. Wthout the grain boundaryprecipitation of a second phase containing cer1um) the higher the segmpation level ofcerzum, the 6ettcr the tensile properties of the alloys, and in turn the more enhancedthe grain boundary cohesion.
The infiuence of cerium on grnin boundaries of polycrpstalline N3Al alloys has beenstudied. The ja6mcability of a Ce-doped N3Al alloy strongly depends on the certumcontent. The alloy exhibits very poor fabrica6ility and cannot be fabrtcated into goodsheet8 by cold rolling when the concentmtion of cerium is <0. 0088wt% or>0.044wt%.A 0.011wt%Ce-doped N3Al alloy exhibits relatively good fabricability and may be fab-ricated into useful sheets by repeated cold rolling with 1OOa C annealing. The ductilityof the alloy strongly depends on the cerium distribution. Wthout the grain boundaryprecipitation of a second phase containing cer1um) the higher the segmpation level ofcerzum, the 6ettcr the tensile properties of the alloys, and in turn the more enhancedthe grain boundary cohesion.