笔者应用原子吸收分光光度计(AAS)测定了飞行人员(120例)和地勤人员(108人)的血清锌(Zn)、铜(Cu)、钙(Ca)的含量;同时对空、地勤人员分别进行了膳食调查。检测结果:地勤人员血清Zn、Cu含量比较,差异显著(P<0.05),血清 Ca含量则无差异(P>0.05);膳食调查结果飞行人员膳食 Zn摄入量充足,Ca摄入量两组均未达到供给量标准。
A determination of the contents of Zn,Cu,Ca in serum and a dietary survey were performed in 120 aviators and 108 ground service men. The result of determination indicated a significant difference (P<0. 05) in the contents of Zn and Cu but no significant difference (P>0. 05) in the content of Ca. The result of dietary survey showed that the quantity of Zn in the diet for aviators was sufficient, but the the quantity of Ca in the diet for both groups was below the supply standard.