The expression and properties of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in Eca109 cells, a cell line derived fromhuman esophageal cancer were studied with specific inhibition assay and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.The results showed that ALP of Eca109 cells was heat stable and was strongly inhibited by L-pheuylalanine, but slightly inhibited by urea. Preduisolone could causedramatic increase in activity of ALP, but no change in ALP isozyme and concomitant increase in lactic dehydrogenase activity were found after prednisolone treatment. The results suggested that placental alkaline phosphatase as an oncodevelopmental gene product could be expressed ectopically by Eca109 cells and prednisolone could specifically induce increase in its activity.
The expression and properties of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in Eca109 cells, a cell line derived fromhuman esophageal cancer were studied with specific inhibition assay and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.The results showed that ALP of Eca109 cells was heat stable and was strongly inhibited by L-pheuylalanine, but slightly inhibited by urea. Preduisolone could causedramatic increase in activity of ALP, but no change in ALP isozyme and concomitant increase in lactic dehydrogenase activity were found after prednisolone treatment. The results suggested that placental alkaline phosphatase as an oncodevelopmental gene product could be expressed ectopically by Eca109 cells and prednisolone could specifically induce increase in its activity.