? The surface resource in Heilongjiang province is not very rich,and also largely various in time and space,the water resource per hm2 and per capita are both lower than the averages around the country,and the water resource cousumption efficiency is also worse than the average level in the whole country.The water consumption for agriculture is about 75% of the whole amount of water resource consumption.Since 1980,the water consumptions for agriculture,industry urban citizens′ daily life are all climbing up,and it is anticipated that the total water consumption amount will be increased by 7.7226×109m3 respectively in the years 2000 and 2003 comparing to that in 1990.Therefore,more investment on water engineering projects,and more efficient measures for potential resource development,and watersawing are to be needed in the coming years to 2003 for increasing the water supply amount in order to meet the water cousumption requirement in lower level years of water,and not to have appearance of a serious water shortage.In addition,the legal measures for protection of surface and ground water resources from being further polluted also urgently need to be taken.
Journal of Engineering of Heilongjiang University
surface water resource,ground water resource,water consumption.