通过对1996年我院收治的肾综合征出血热(HFRS)病人应用 RT-PCR方法进行分型研究发现2例为野鼠型(HTN)汉坦病毒感染。经过对其中一例的病毒部分核苷酸序列的扩增、克隆、序列测定与分析,结果其核苷酸序列与已知HTN型病毒具有较高的同源性,特别是与韩国的76-118株的核苷酸序列极为相似,同源序列占 98.7%,故为同一亚型。
The RNA was extracted from serum of a HFRS patient from Baoding District. After amplification
with nested reverse transcription -- polymerase chain
reaction (RT-PCR) and hantavirus-specific primers, a
DNA fragment of M segment was cloned and then se-
quenced. The results showed that it was highly ho-
mologous to prototype strain: 76-118 strain (homolo-
gy: 98.7%). The homology of deduced amino acid
sequence was 100%. The hantavirus of 76-118 sub-
type existed in China was first discovered by Us.
Infectious Disease Information