Objective: To analyze the relationship among clinical features, the manifestutions ofXray computerized tomoariphy(CT) and that of transcranial ampler ultrasonography (TCD)in tranSient ischemic attack (TIA). Metheds: The diagnosis of the disease accorded with thestandards of diagnosing cerebral and vascular diseases established by Chinese gaiety ofNeuroscience. Results:of the total 54 patients with TIA, 60% were clinically diagned as withischedric pathogenesis in internal carotid artery, 38% were in vertebrobasilar artery, and 1.2% were in other parts; By or examinations 12 cases of cerebral infarction were found; Thepositive rate of TIAs in internal carotid artery in TCD examination was 90%, and that invertebrobasilar artery was 81 %. conclusion: TCD provides an objective index for diagnosis ofTIA, especially in understanding the intracranial altery bloodstream dynamics. So, it ishelpful to the etiological diagnosis of TIA.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College