he co m pound m aterial of n m size particles Ge O2 Si O2 w as synthesied through hydrolysis of Si( O C2 H4) and Ge Cl4 . A heat treatm ent w as carried out for the sa m ples at 100 ~1200 ℃in air . Its optical property w as deter mined by U V Vis spectur m . We have found that theabsorption edge of spectru m shifted progressively to longer w avelengths . The quantu m size ef fect of nanocrystals appears because crystals gro w and energy of optical band gap reduces d ueto the influence of te m perature . By the analysis of X ray diffraction w e have observed theprocess in w hich the structure of particles changed fro m disorder into order .
he co m pound m aterial of n m size particles Ge O2 Si O2 w as synthesied through hydrolysis of Si( O C2 H4) and Ge Cl4 . A heat treatm ent w as carried out for the sa m ples at 100 ~1200 ℃in air . Its optical property w as deter mined by U V Vis spectur m . We have found that theabsorption edge of spectru m shifted progressively to longer w avelengths . The quantu m size ef fect of nanocrystals appears because crystals gro w and energy of optical band gap reduces d ueto the influence of te m perature . By the analysis of X ray diffraction w e have observed theprocess in w hich the structure of particles changed fro m disorder into order .