目的 评价尿激酶在老年人急性心肌梗死静脉溶栓中的疗效及安全情况。方法 50 例老年人急性心梗分为溶栓组和非溶栓组( 对照组),溶栓组26 例采用尿激酶静脉溶栓治疗,再与65 岁以下的21 例急性心梗溶栓组比较。结果 溶栓组再灌注率为57-6 % ,住院病死率为7-6% ,心梗后心绞痛发生率为3-8% ,与非老年的溶栓组比较无明显差异。溶栓组与对照组比较,心梗后心绞痛分别为7-6% 和25% 有明显差异( P<0-01),溶栓后再通病例与对照组比较,心肌酶(CK和CK- MB)的峰值均高于对照组,两者达到峰值的时间均早于对照组(P< 0-05~0-01)。结论 老年人急性心肌梗死用尿激酶静脉溶栓安全有效,而且无出血及其它明显副作用。
Objective To evalue the clinicalef fects ofthrombolysis with intravenous urokinase in acute myocardialinfarction ofaged patients. Methods 50 cas es overage of65 years were reported ,in which were dev idedthrombolysis group (26 cases) and nonthrombolysis group(24 cases) .In addition,21thrombolysis patientsof a age below 65 years were as controlgroup.Results The rate of patency was 57 .6 % .The fourweek mortality in patientofthrombolysis group was7 .6 % versus12 .5 % in nonthrombolysis group .Theincidence ofpostinfarctangia pectoris in patients of thrombolysis was 3.8 % versus 25 % in conventionaltherapy group .Elderly patients with thrombolysis therapy was not significant different com pared with controlgroup.Peak value andtime of CKand CKMBwas significantly shorterin the thrombolysis cases as compared with those cases ofconventionaltherapy. Conclusion The data indicated that elderly patients of acute myocardialinfarction thrombolysis with intravenous urokinase have beneficial effects,safety and no hemor rhage orother serious side effect.
South China Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases
Elderly myocardialinfarction Thrombolysis Urokinase